Getting My Life Organized

5 min readJun 2, 2023

I don’t know about you but personally, it feels like my life is an ABSOLUTE mess. I am a very busy person as I am a student, lifeguard, and swimming instructor, and I try to volunteer when I can. This means I need to make sure that I am taking care of myself both physically and mentally so I do not get injured or burn out. I turned Twenty-One on the 21st of May and it is currently June 2nd honestly it feels like since I have turned 21 things have kinda not been going the greatest which is why I need to take the time out of my day and sit back and have a look at what I can change and the things that I am in control of. I hope that by making this schedule and staying accountable to it, I can see a positive change in my life within the next week. If I look at the rest of the summer months and everything I want to accomplish it makes me feel very overwhelmed which is why I am only planning for the week ahead and I want to try and do this every week from now on. I have not blogged in a very long time and wanted to take this as an opportunity to get back into one of my passions which is writing and sharing the knowledge that I have acquired up to this point in my life in the hopes that someone else can relate.

Now back to the goal here “Organization”

I think for myself there are going to be a few key components that are going to make this plan of action successful. One week has 168 hours in it which means it is crucial to plan the week if you want to make sure you have time for everything that you want to accomplish within it.

